Early Themes

The Frog
One of the earliest game ideas.
- Frogs are cute.
- Artwork is plentiful.
Rules can come from locations like:
- The Wind in the Willows.
- Frog lifecycle.
- Froggy went a’cortin
Some quick work on the computer gave concept art:

Later designs were moderately improved:

The frog concept eventually failed for us. It lacked coherent theme and felt like a school project.

A cestus is a battle glove sometimes used by Roman gladiators.
This theme would give us the whole of Ancient Rome to draw on; all the gladiator-related fun of murdering people in public to achieve socio-political goals.
This idea came about because I had the option to buy most of a Bobby Orr Power Play (IPDB). The head had been removed by an “accident”. I didn’t need the contents of the head, so it would be fine, and even I could make a wooden box!

It was a good theme for us, and fitted the playfield design of Power Play quite well. I made a comprehensive re-design of the playfield to confirm suitability (see below):

But by the time I had the design worked out, the unit had been sold. This turned out to be a common problem for me.
TOTM - Treasure Of The Mummy, Tomb Of The Mummy, The Mummy’s Tomb, Tomb! Treasure! Mummy!

One planning session was hilarious as we re-enacted a mummy sitting up in its sarcophagus as the ball went past. There is, fortunately, no footage of my impressions. When I was testing DMD emulation on LCD screens, I included a mummy test:

TOTM was the last of the “Named” pinball designs. By Named, I mean that while we were designing themes, I was banging away in the background with software, learning the intricacies of The Mission Pinball Framework (MPF). Changing the names of everything in my test code was quite irritating, but much better than having unreadable code like switch_3
and lamp_42
, especially when learning. So a generic working title (just like the movies have) saved a lot of that, hence PBGM1. The 1
on the end is because we might¹ make 50 different machines…
PBGM1 had a few iterations of ideas that are not particularly memorable, but eventually lead to…
Wrath Of Anubis

We are sticking with this one - it has everything needed for:
- Great playfield art.
- Great cabinet art.
- Great backbox art.
- Deep ruleset.
- Dedicated mechanisms.
- Unique music.
- Unique callouts.
- etc.
¹ Won't.