design (8)

Circuit Board Holder.

Circuit Board Holder

I designed a little circuit board holder to use while developing the playfield. it works well and is quite neat - gives easy access to both sides of the board, and screws on as well. Next version will support horizontal mounting as well. The circuit board is held in little slots in the 'arms', and the board pops out as…

Mission Pinball Framework.

Why MPF?

Why I chose to use the Mission Pinball Framework instead of something better.

Open Pinball Project.

Why OPP?

So firstly, what is OPP? What does it have to do with Pinball?

Human-sized frog playing pinball machine.

Early Themes

So we had lots of ideas for themes for the pinball machine. And we would start designing ,and collecting resources, untill another idea came along that was better than the last. The Frog One of the earliest game ideas. Rules can come from locations like: Some quick work on the computer gave concept art: Later designs were moderately improved: The…